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CEMEX Area 522 fisheries meeting 29Jan - Lymington venue confirmed (Sea Fishing Club House) - 6 to 8 pm


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Sorry about late info but had PC issues


If anyone is interested in going to the meeting best to make contact asap




Susanne Rupp-Armstrong <sarmstrong@abpmer.co.uk>

Thu, Jan 24, 2:55 PM (4 days ago)
Dear all,


Further to my earlier emails, I can now confirm that the venue for the meeting next Tuesday has been confirmed.


It will be at the Lymington and District Sea Fishing Club, which is on Bath Road in Lymington, next to the Seawater Baths (instructions and image below).  The other details remain the same:Tuesday, 29 January, 6 to 8pm.


The plan is for CEMEX and ourselves to provide information on the application and Environmental Impact Assessment, and for us to gain a better understanding of fisheries and fishing activity to the west of the Isle of Wight.


Could you please confirm if you are planning to attend, so we can plan seating and refreshments (tea and biscuits)?


The postcode is SO41 3SE, and venue directions are as follows: Enter the car park at the end of Bath Road; once in there, drive behind the RNLI building, pub beer garden on your right, drive down the car park off the tarmac onto the gravel drive, through the dinghy park and follow the driveway round to your left and into the clubhouse compound.





We look forward to seeing you next Tuesday.


If you need to talk to me on the day, I will be taking one of my company’s mobiles along; the number is: 07702901040


Best regards,



Dr Susanne Armstrong | Senior Consultant | ABPmer

Quayside Suite| Medina Chambers | Town Quay | Southampton| SO14 2AQ |
Direct: 023 8071 1885 | Tel: 023 8071 1840 | Email: 


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