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Conservation Offcier Report- December 2013


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Will edit/ finish this off later too!


So, this month has seen the release of the findings of ‘Sea Angling 2012’ and also the official designation of the first 27 MCZ’s. Marine Conservation is beginning to go mainstream! This could be the start of the groundswell of public support which we need to protect and develop the protection and restoration of our fisheries. Let’s hope, and better than that, let’s help spread the word.

I’ve also noticed a few articles about Studland. It missed out on being designated an MCZ, but the various organisations are beginning to raise public awareness about it again, in preparation for the next set of designations.

A lot of other articles on the topics that we are beginning to be experts on J illegal fishing, microplastics, ocean acidification etc... Apologies if I’ve doubled up on any stories/articles. No prizes for spotting if I have!


“Many of the stories and information that I pass on comes from various ‘channels’ on the internet.  I use Twitter, Facebook, several news sites and have signed up for a few email distribution lists.

To see who I am following on Twitter, look me up at @charlieannear”


Some of this month’s hot topics:

  • Sea Angling 2012
  • MCZ’s
  • Climate change
  • Marine plastics

SIFCA (Southern Inshore Conservation Authority) (www.southern-ifca.gov.uk):
The full #SA2012 report can be viewed here: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/sea-angling-boosts-the-economy-and-creates-jobs 

-#2012 results: Nigel Horsman BASS and IFCA member provides a stakeholders perspective

-#sa2012 results: seaangling contributes to health&well-being 69% saying 'main way of experiencing nature' 70% 'important to quality of life'

-#sa2012 results: sea angling generates £1.23 billion spend, £2.1 billion value, 23,000 jobs

-@cefas explains we now have a strong sea angling baseline #sa2012 thanks to all Anglers who took part

-#sa2012 most comprehensive data on sea angling in England over 12,000 households, 11,000 anglers 2,000 stretches of coastline in 5 surveys

-We had a positive meeting with the South West Inshore Fisherman's Association #SWIFA last night to discuss #fisheriesmanagement in #MPAs

-@SouthernIFCA makes an appearance in the @itvwestcountry story on lobster restocking in Weymouth Bay http://www.itv.com/news/westcountry/story/2013-11-20/lobster-stocks-boost-for-dorset/ 

-@LymeBayReserve @BBCOneShow @MARINElife_UK we're looking forward to seeing the marine life of Lyme Bay showcased on national television

-First tranche #mczs have been designated. The #PooleRocks and #ChesilBeach&StennisLedges are within the @SouthernIFCA district

-itv.com/news/westcountry/story/2013-11-20/lobster-stocks-boost-for-dorset/  check out the video #W2R #LobsterRestocking #FPVProtector #Fisherman #Divers #WeymouthBay

-"@BeASeaChanger: Baby lobsters released on to Weymouth Bay reef http://bbc.in/1gRqJZD " the lobster restocking is funded by @SouthernIFCA

-For an update on our hand gathering in #seagrass beds regulation visit http://www.southern-ifca.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Gathering-Byelaw-UPDATE-October-2013.pdf 

-Another great video by @MIPlymUni - this time featuring Pink Sea-fans in #LymeBay http://on.fb.me/13Dovrj  #reefs #mpa

CITES (http://cites.org/):

-The CITES gateway on sharks and rays was launched today: http://ow.ly/r5bAX


CFP Reform Watch (http://cfp-reformwatch.eu/):

-Fish MEPs today approved 2nd reading position on #CFPreform basic reg & CMO reg. December plenary will be final step: http://cfp-reformwatch.eu/2013/11/fisheries-committee-approves-eu-morocco-fisheries-deal/ 

-Belize, Cambodia & Guinea identified by @EU_Commission as non-cooperating countries in fight against illegal fishing: http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-13-1162_en.htm?lang=en 

-minar today in the European Parliament 14:30. Who benefits from the EU-Morocco fisheries agreement? http://cfp-reformwatch.eu/2013/11/who-benefits-from-the-eu-morocco-fisheries-agreement-26-11-2013/ 

-More than 1000 fishers from 8 EU countries create LIFE, an organisation for low-impact fishing. https://www.facebook.com/pages/European-Artisanal-Fishermens-Congress/166393173503352  & @LIFEplatformEU

-Cartoonist @PenelopeB explains #deepsea fishing and boosts @Bloom_FR petition. http://www.penelope-jolicoeur.com/2013/11/prends-cinq-minutes-et-signe-copain-.html  In English: http://www.penelope-jolicoeur.com/2013/11/take-5-minutes-and-sign-this.html 

-European fisheries in figures. "Agriculture, forestry and fishery statistics - 2013 edition", from Eurostat: http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/product_details/publication?p_product_code=KS-FK-13-001 


The Shark Trust (sharktrust.org):

-A perfect example of how marine debris and #sharks just don't mix http://bit.ly/1dgCDM1  from @BaskingSharkSco

-For the 4th time, #Canada blocks EU proposal to protect porbeagle #sharks at #ICCAT http://bit.ly/1etOu6E

-ICCAT aside we urge @EU_Commission to call for ICES advice to enable EU limits for SF Mako & Blue Shark at EU Dec Fisheries Council.

-Atlantic Tuna Commission fails sharks again - ICCAT leaves high seas mako fishing unregulated, porbeagles... http://fb.me/28hpJFAhU

-#ICCAT2013 EU join increased efforts for fins-attached but failed due to strong opposition from Japan, China & Korea http://bit.ly/1etOu6E

-Over 100 people hospitalised and 9 dead in Madagascar after eating shark meat http://fb.me/1YRnLGIC5

-Rare find in Australia Gollum #Shark - named after Lord of the Rings character - caught off the Sunshine Coast http://bit.ly/1djX4Yn

-UK Govt announce 27 marine conservation zones – 15 in SW waters – no representation for sharks/rays at this phase http://bit.ly/19Js0cu

-Shark finning banned in New Zealand waters - great news for shark conservation but it could take two years to... http://fb.me/2uMJI8RaI

**THIS ONE MAKES ME MAD**  -RT @MantaTrust Warnings of new technique to dodge #shark finning laws http://bit.ly/1bk55FL  @SharkTrustUK pic.twitter.com/aVDyTKc2wK

-Huge amount of info from #EEA2013 European Elasmobranch Association Conference in Plymouth (2-3 Nov), TOO MUCH TO COPY HERE! Have a look at their Twitter feed ;)


CEFAS: The Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science - the UK's most diverse applied marine science centre and source of expert evidence and advice. (cefas.defra.gov.uk )

- 2% of all Eng adults go sea angling. Results largest survey by @CefasGovUK of recreational sea angling now launched http://ow.ly/reaCx

-Check out “Love Sea Life”, Defra's blog on marine conservation, sustainable fishing, and protecting sea life http://ow.ly/r9a84

-EU funded research into impacts of microplastics, newsletters about the research can found here http://ow.ly/qssfS  @INTERREGTweets

-Good meeting in Newlyn on Shark, Skate & Ray bycatch and discards. Moving forward with the issue of spurdog dead discards in CFP reform

-EU funded study into the impact of microplastics... juvenile oyster feeding trial under way! @INTERREGTweets pic.twitter.com/il2SwGJ86k


DEFRA (https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-environment-food-rural-affairs):

-GE: In designating #MCZs we have taken into account socio-economic factors #DefraPQs

-GE: Next year we will start research to indentify the next tranche on Marine Conservation Zones #MCZs #DefraPQs

-GE: We want MCZ management measures to be developed locally #MCZs #DefraPQs

-We're establishing over 500 UK marine protected areas including 27 new #MCZs in English waters http://ow.ly/r2CZo  #LoveSeaLife


Maria Damanaki (EU Commissioner responsible for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries):



Angling Trust (http://www.anglingtrust.net/):

- No Sea updates


B.A.S.S (http://www.ukbass.com/news/):



Hugh’s Fishfight (http://www.fishfight.net/):

- The Government today announce just 27 Marine Conservation Zones will go ahead > read Hugh's reaction > http://www.fishfight.net/blog/government-announce-27-mczs/  #fishfight


Marine Management Organisation (MMO) (http://www.marinemanagement.org.uk/news/index.htm):

-Master and vessel owners fined for fisheries offences http://bit.ly/IoVSog

-Published September 2013's monthly sea fisheries statistics for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland http://bit.ly/RZzhkv

-Updated the UK fishing lists of registered and licensed under and over 10 metre vessels as at 1 November http://bit.ly/UDR5SM

-Trial mini breakwaters in Whitley Lake, Poole to encourage beach replenishment and #coastalprotection pic.twitter.com/G8sgWZIg3b


Lyme Bay. Working to reconcile the needs of the environment and local fishing industry by establishing a new blueprint for sustainable conservation. (http://www.lymebayreserve.co.uk/):

-With over 40 commercially caught species from @LymeBayReserve there's enough to cater for everyone's taste! http://bit.ly/17LwRgM

-Missed the underwater video of the inquisitive Tope #Shark in #LymeBay earlier? Here's your chance to watch it again! http://on.fb.me/13Dovrj

-Interesting article by @MSCintheUK about the science behind MSC Standards at http://bit.ly/1i1jlMG  #sustainablefishing

-Ever wondered why #LymeBay is called England's Coral Garden? Well take a look here and discover why: http://bit.ly/1aGA0kR  #FloraandFauna.


Dorset Wildlife Trust (http://www.dorsetwildlifetrust.org.uk/):

-We're looking for 10-12 volunteer marine wardens for our Kimmeridge team http://ow.ly/rqUEB  #CouldItBeYou? Please RT

-Video link is... http://ow.ly/r3QYI  We love this underwater footage taken off Bournemouth - how many fish can you spot? RT @ppportal

-Would you like to be a Volunteer Marine Warden next year? http://ow.ly/r4H9k  Find out more at our open session on 25/1 #marine #dorset

-New report shows support for protecting marine life at beautiful #StudlandBay, #Dorset http://ow.ly/qZZ1N  #mcz #marine @wildlifetrusts


MCS (Marine Conservation Society) (http://www.mcsuk.org/):



MRC (Marine Reserves Coalition) (http://www.marinereservescoalition.org/):



FishSec. The Fisheries Secretariat (FISH). (fishsec.org ):

-Fishermen need to identify their priority areas, otherwise space will be allocated to other industries.

-At @HELCOMInfo workshop - Fishing for Space. Ton Ijlstra, an NL civil servant presenting on the Marine Spatial Planning in Dogger Bank.  Predominantly flatfish + large sandeel fishery with a big uptake by DK. DE, UK and NL active. Only these 3 have proposed conservation plans


NOAA (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration) (http://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/):

- Right #whales reported missing from Bay of Fundy. Food chain shifting. Climate change top suspect. http://bit.ly/17QfPOA

-Strengthening Shark Finning Ban: US, EU, Belize, & United Kingdom Overseas Territories work together: http://bit.ly/1e8ccFe


FCF (Fisheries Conservation Foundation) (http://www.fishconserve.org/):



Fish2Fork (http://www.fish2fork.com/home/news-index.aspx):

-Sainsbury's admits their "sustainable" British eel is sourced from New Zealand http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2013/nov/28/sainsburys-admits-new-zealand-jellied-eels-sold-as-british 

-No action for sharks, but #bluefin catch levels frozen #ICCAT http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2013/Bright-future-for-bluefin-tuna-promised-after-catch-levels-frozen.aspx#.UpONf1JREcI.twitter 

-Europe demands trade sanctions for 'failure to act' against illegal fishing #iuu @MariaDamanakiEU http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2013/Europe-demands-trade-sanctions-for-failure-to-act-against-illegal-fishing.aspx 

-Bluefin tuna catches limited by Iccat and IMO numbers come to in but little progress on sharks #iccat #tuna #ocean http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2013/Bright-future-for-bluefin-tuna-promised-after-catch-levels-frozen.aspx#.UpONf1JREcI.twitter 

-Spain defies scientific advice to demand higher #bluefin tuna quotas #iccat http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2013/Spain-defies-scientific-advice-to-demand-higher-bluefin-tuna-quotas.aspx 

-.@seafishuk attacks @mcsuk for describing North Sea cod as a fish to avoid #realfishfight #fishfight http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2013/Row-over-North-Sea-cod-as-MCS-insists-it-should-be-off-the-menu.aspx#.UoQZLp8yjw4.twitter 

-#deepsea bottom trawling ban dropped, but EU Fisheries Committee agrees to protecting vulnerable habitats http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/news-index/2013/MEPs-vote-for-compromise-on-deep-sea-bottom-trawling.aspx 


GOC (Global Ocean Commission) (http://www.globaloceancommission.org/):

- How to improve effectiveness and coordination among RFMOs to reverse decline in #highseas fish stocks? http://goo.gl/DznvIJ

-Benefit-sharing for products made from #highseas organisms? @GOceanC discusses #equity http://goo.gl/D2Pyxg

-#climatechange, #acidification: the biggest and least tractable #ocean threats. How can @GOceanC help? http://goo.gl/fE8nYz

-An #SDG for the global #ocean? #post-2015 #foodsecurity @GOceanC discusses http://goo.gl/LuMCO9

-Pacific #Ocean region to pay price of global warming http://goo.gl/neJF30  @australian

-How #ocean dead zones affect marine life & #foodsecurity – lessons from Jurassic extinctions (new study) http://goo.gl/rUihHj

-Lack of control, flags of convenience, market entry: EU decision to fight #highseas #IUU featured in @guardianeco http://goo.gl/NED11U

-Mandatory vessel ID and tracking improves India’s national security post-Mumbai attack http://goo.gl/ICp3PB

-New shipping routes in the Arctic & an emerging issue: invasive species disrupting fragile ecosystems http://goo.gl/JIMsnj  @the_ecologist

-The future of the #ocean and #acidification via @TheEconomist http://goo.gl/CzrZGV

-@GOceanC Commissioner Foua Toloa http://goo.gl/nt3Pl5  on BBC about his special connection to the #ocean (min.30) http://goo.gl/OMlLoV

-The #ocean needs bold reform, says @figuerescr @prospect_uk @SomervilleOx http://goo.gl/K9ZLFV

-@GOceanC's 10 policy areas to reverse #ocean degradation - share your comments http://www.globaloceancommission.org/policies/

-@WWF @GOceanC’s call on the topic here: http://goo.gl/HeCN6T

-Formerly Irish super-trawler detained for illegal fishing in Irish waters http://goo.gl/eQyanZ  #IUU

-Governance is the root of #ocean problems, says @CristinaNarbona @prospect_uk @SomervilleOx http://goo.gl/JtesUq  #globaloceandebate

-If you care about feeding the world, you must care about the #ocean argues @DMiliband @prospect_uk @SomervilleOx http://goo.gl/JtesUq

-@DMiliband: #highseas MPAs could have a positive impact on EEZs #globaloceandebate

-‘A significant amount of carbon fixation occurs in the dark #oceanhttp://goo.gl/7E5mBO

-"Unprecedented rates" of #ocean acidification - More scientific evidence http://goo.gl/xECwDX

-‘Microsensors’ developed to monitor #ocean #acidification http://goo.gl/ZEvKpl  @nanowerk @NOCnews

-Costa Rica uses INTERPOL Purple Notice to warn about illegal shark finning http://lnkd.in/bapJT-w  RT @DavidHiggins101 @INTERPOL_EC

-#highseas #seabedmining: desirable or dangerous for the #ocean? Take the @GOceanC survey http://goo.gl/YotOir


The Black Fish (http://www.theblackfish.org):

-Use of illegal #driftnets still wreaks havoc across the Mediterranean. Help take action at http://www.theblackfish.org/driftnets

-Loving #innovation to further #conservation. Researchers at #UBC use Google Earth to uncover new facts on overfishing http://gu.com/p/3kmeb/tw

-European commission blacklists Belize, Guinea & Cambodia for inaction on illegal fishing http://ow.ly/283fXK  #overfishing #oceans

-Deep sea trawling: most destructive human practice on Earth? Great info graphic explains all http://tinyurl.com/nbyyupp  pic.twitter.com/8F453WgLH1

-@danedeasy @MarianSwart jellyfish sandwich set to become the norm in 3, 4 decades unless we act on #overfishing

-@MarianSwart not a liked opinion but the root cause of overfishing is overconsumption. Every fish caught is one gone. Extinction is forever.

-Italy's ongoing struggle with illegal fishing and the crazy story about its coast guard ghost fleet http://www.theblackfish.org/news/italian-ghost-fleet.html  #corruption

-Watch founder of The Black Fish @WietsevdWerf talk in this episode of @LondonRealTV about #overfishing and #activism http://www.londonreal.tv/episodes/wietse-van-der-werf-the-black-fish 

-Estimates show that 40% of fish caught in EU waters is caught illegally. Time to get serious on illegal #overfishing http://www.theblackfish.org

-Overfishing will affect us all. Get on board with our mission and help stop illegal fishing http://www.theblackfish.org  pic.twitter.com/VDkPRvtfkL

-Shocking – 98 percent of Marine Fish Die Each Year En Route to Aquariums http://www.onegreenplanet.org/news/shocking-98-percent-of-marine-fish-die-each-year-en-route-to-aquariums/  #fish #captivity


Oceana (http://oceana.org/en/eu/home):

-Stop bluefin tuna from getting hooked and trashed: http://ow.ly/r5z5b

-Plastic pollution may be transporting toxic chemicals into our seafood http://ow.ly/r3Ir7

-RT @UnderwaterWorld Leatherback turtles mouth & oesophagus are lined w/ backwards pointed spines to impale their prey pic.twitter.com/wBLjvTvfGo

-RT @AlexDavidRogers Another warning from scientists on the severe implications of ocean acidification. http://ow.ly/qP1UL

-111 metric tons of bluefin were caught as bycatch, killed & discarded in one year: http://ow.ly/qyBqU  @washingtonpost

-Talks on Antarctic Marine Reserve Fail to Reach Agreement: http://ow.ly/qpxmW  via @nytimes


Pew Charitable Trusts (http://www.pewenvironment.org/):

- We’re #thankful that our oceans have a bright future, thanks to these Australians! http://ow.ly/raqUu

-#Thankful to the #EU for strengthening its #shark finning ban http://ow.ly/raquy

-Thanks to @INTERPOL_EC for launching Project SCALE to fight criminal fishing worldwide http://ow.ly/raq2T 

-Antarctic life #thankful to #CCAMLR for mandating IMO numbers for ships fishing its waters http://ow.ly/rap0I  #IUU

-#Thankful to @PacificCouncil for agreeing to prohibit new #fisheries on unmanaged forage fish. http://ow.ly/rapHj

-Coral reefs more resilient #thanks to no-take marine reserves, says study by #PewMarineFellow Pete Mumby http://ow.ly/rapM8

-We're #thankful to #EU for agreeing to end #overfishing & restore #fish stocks #CFPreform http://ow.ly/raphi

-We thank Oman, Seychelles & Uruguay for ratifying treaty to stop illegally caught fish at the dock. http://ow.ly/raomR  #Thanksgiving

-Thank you, EU, for showing muscle on illegal fishing with sanctions against 3 countries. http://ow.ly/rcWjC  #IUU

-PHOTOS: Illegal fish traps found off coast of Qatar, where they have been banned for 15+ years http://ow.ly/rcW97  pic.twitter.com/hAUQ6hb4iK

-Protecting real estate for fish. http://ow.ly/rcVvE  Why we need to protect habitat for bottom-dwelling fish.

-While #ICCAT took positive steps for bluefin #tuna, more needs to be done. It is time for electronic catch tracking. http://ow.ly/rcNPg

-Illegal fishing by #China threatens world’s oceans, #fisheries, new report says http://ow.ly/r5XTz  @BW

-Ship owners in Spain admit to 13.7 million euros in fraud from undeclared fish catch. http://ow.ly/r9CrL  #IUU #fisheries

-In the time it takes to read this,10800 lbs of fish will be stolen from the ocean. End illegal fishing! http://ow.ly/qWPoz  #ICCAT #dyk

-.@RichardBranson supports a Bermuda marine reserve in an open letter to the Bermudan people http://ow.ly/qDwbX  via @TheRoyalGazette



Blue Marine Foundation

-So much life to be seen within the Lyme Bay reefs. You can see so much more if you head over to Lyme Bay... http://fb.me/2zdHT91Ua

-@Bluemarinef scheme 2 improve catch quality w/ #local fishermen.Seen on @itvnews w/ @seafishuk in the @LymeBayReserve http://www.itv.com/news/westcountry/2013-11-28/new-scheme-to-improve-catch-quality/ 

-Good to see where the newly proposed 27 #MCZ sites will be pic.twitter.com/gDq4AXPBqV thank you @wildlifetrusts

-Are humans capable of protecting the oceans? The world's ocean experts share their views. The Chagos Archipelago,... http://fb.me/17cTplkAf

-Will Europe save the Sea Bass? @CRHClover Chairman of the Blue Marine Foundation writes for the @HuffingtonPost http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/charles-clover/sea-bass-europe_b_4224666.html 


BBC News:

- Campaigners call for review of Guernsey Sea Fisheries http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-guernsey-25026432

-‘Eco-friendly’ moorings for Studland http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-25022345

-Parliament debates Navitus Bay http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-25002428

-Ocean acidification http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-24904143

-Baby lobsters released http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-24946770

-Fish discard ban effect on commercials http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cornwall-24995398

-New MCZ’s http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-25032255

-New MCZ’s http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-25030526

-Wind farm effects http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-25058346

-Wind farm dropped http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-25095868


The Daily Echo:




Miami Herald:

- http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/11/16/3755806/biscayne-national-park-management.html


The Guardian:

- http://www.theguardian.com/environment/georgemonbiot/2013/nov/25/stealth-tax-north-sea-cod-seafish



- http://www.poolebay.net/replenishment-trials.html



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